Amy, RYT-200

Amy began teaching yoga in 2008 at the fitness center of her undergraduate college in Upstate NY. What began as a convenient way to make money while in school evolved into one of her greatest passions. She continued practicing yoga throughout her grad school years, seeking each class as an opportunity to ground her mind, restore her body, and find balance in the simplicity of the practice.

In 2017, Amy moved to Indy with her husband. Zach. She found kOMpose in the early days of her transition, and was hooked to the community. She practiced and taught yoga there before moving back to Upstate NY in 2019. She welcomed her first kiddo, Kessler, in 2020. The family missed the Hoosier-life amidst the pandemic so much that in 2021, they relocated back to Indy. They just welcomed their second, Kieren, who will join the fun as a true Hoosier, born in Indy.

Yoga is all things for Amy. It’s a time to be quiet and a time for movement, a time to tune in, and a time to tune out, a time for acceptance and a time for growth. She is committed to her practice and its constant ability to challenge her and complement the chaos of a life with two kids, a dog, and a hubby. 

Amy Teaches:

Power Vinyasa - Heated and Regular